SSPR Professional |
LogonBox Enterprise |
User count |
As Licensed |
As Licensed |
Password Reset Users can reset a forgotten password via the web portal. |
Change Password Users can change their expiring password via the web portal. |
Account Unlock Users can unlock their own account via the web portal. |
Create Account New employees can request an account via the web portal. |
Password Synchronization Link accounts in secondary user databases and synchronize passwords between them. |
User Management Delegate Administration of user directories through the web portal. |
Active Directory Support for Microsoft Active Directory. |
Desktop Integration Users can perform self-service functions directly at the Windows login prompt. |
Cloud Connectors Support cloud users from Google, o365 and Azure. |
Legacy Connectors Support Linux, *NIX, AS/400 and SAP Hana users. |
Database Connectors Support SQL database users. |
Security Questions Users can provide answers to a set of security questions to complete a reset or unlock. |
2FA Devices Multi-factor authentication including YukiKey, Duo, Google Auth, One Time Password, SMS, RADIUS, PIN. |
LogonBox Authenticator **NEW** Secure, simple 2-Factor mobile authentication. |
Reminders & Notifications Keep users passwords secure with regular password change notifications. |
Windows 2FA Desktop **NEW** Add flexible 2FA support to the Windows Desktop login. |
Branding Users can use rebrand to fit in with corporate appearance. |
Support Product support and maintenance releases. |
Multiple Directories Support for managing more than one primary user directory. |
Multi-Tenancy Create and manage separate tenants with their own database and unique portal. |
SAML Identity Provider Use LogonBox as the trusted user identity provider for logging into third-party services. |
Password Vault Securely store and assign passwords to users for logging into webapps. |
LogonBox password self-service solution, complete password reset self-service platform to help you realise increased profitability by reducing your IT tickets and boosting service desk productivity, click below to get started for free.